Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Welcome to the family!

Sugar River JackJumper Song has joined the Moonsong pack. While I may place him in a show/breeding home in the future, for now he is settling in and enjoying the Deadliest Catch puppies that are still here. Jack is a very gregarious, outgoing puppy and I hope he matures to be like his dad and his mom, who are both wonderful dogs. You can see his breeder's blog at http://www.sugarriverchinooks.wordpress.com/
Bandit and Cornelia welcome Jack to the family
Jack chases Cornelia through the field. He really loves Cornelia!
The adult Moonsong pack members
Chili prepares for a take down. She treats Jack like one of her own puppies, who are just a few days younger than Jack.
Jack is a big pup- here he is lumbering through the fields after a long play day. He is very pooped out but wants to keep on going.
Jack in the woods
exploring a nice log
The grass is very wet and Jack is not in the mood for wet feet
mmmm, stick, yummy
The closest thing to a standing photo I have been able to get in 2 weeks...he does not stand still!
This is what he is usually doing
Nursing off of Chili with Cornelia and Dawn. Why not?
Chasing after Jiggles
Playing with Alsea
Playing with a nice squeeky toy
Sharing with Faethe

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